Grandmother Moetu Taiha
lnternational Transformational Coach & Healer

Grandmother Moetu Taiha is a descendent from the Ngai Tuhoe and the Kahungunu tribes of Aotearoa, New Zealand. She was named for two of her ancestors — Moetu from her father's tribe, and Taiha from her mother's side. ln light language, Moetu Taiha means "l Stand in My Dreams and in My Power." Moetu grew up a "Native" in a white Christian town. She is a survivor of mental, physical, and emotional abuse, not realizing until years later this was not the norm. She has survived rape and abuse, attempted suicide, had cancer and a double mastectomy. Her trauma informs her mission — to be a way-shower for humanity, and especially for women. She has worked and traveled extensively over the years to Europe, the U.S., Egypt, Greece, Thailand and other countries, sharing knowledge and conducting healing and bodywork workshops. She is a naturopath, Reiki master/teacher as well as a spiritual and holistic guidance counselor who specializes in women’s empowerment workshops and helping women to identify their purpose.

Grandmother Moetu brings a depth of wisdom and knowledge to her healing work but her gift is her “knowing,” working in the spiritual realms, and communicating with the "loved ones." Inherent in her DNA, Moetu has always been able to "understand" people at a "different level" and works in a hands-on way with the physical body. She works mainly with women, in their cellular system, helping to identify and release trauma in the memory and scar tissue of the emotional, mental, etheric, and physical body and to access their own "knowing" and self-empowerment. By learning to see their own gifts and strengths, they are then able to pay it forward and help the next person who is “stuck” somewhere.

Her strength and wisdom allow for the release of that which no longer serves by grounding strongly in Mother Earth. Her no-nonsense, practical approach reveals that courage lies within each one of us to create positive change. Both of her ancestors were healers in their own right. Moetu is proud that they walk alongside her and in her, saying "they are me and l am them,” inspiring her to continue to do the work that is needed so deeply in the world today.



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